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The Trade Union of Education OAJ has insured you with Turva’s insurance policies. In addition to the insurance you receive through OAJ, Turva offers all the insurance you need to protect yourself and your family.
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Insurance policies for OAJ members
OAJ's traveler insurance covers union members, including student members. The insurance is valid until the date of your permanent retirement, but no longer than until the end of the year during which you turn 68. Children and grandchildren under the age of 20 traveling with you are also insured.
The insurance is valid for up to 45 days from the start of the trip. The insurance is valid on leisure trips abroad that start from Finland and on domestic trips of at least 50 kilometers from the insured person's home, workplace or holiday home.
The insurance covers the treatment costs of illnesses and injuries that begin or occur while traveling with no upper limit in euros. The insurance also covers costs caused by a cancelled or interrupted trip and delayed departure.
Travel insurance terms from 1 January 2025
Additional terms for OAJ from 1 January 2025
Product description from 1 Janyary 2025
OAJ's baggage insurance covers union members, including student members. The insurance is valid until the date of your permanent retirement, but no longer than until the end of the year during which you turn 68. Children and grandchildren under the age of 20 traveling with the insured person and close relatives permanently living in the same household and traveling with the insured person are also insured.
The insurance is valid on leisure trips for up to 45 days from the start of the trip. The insurance covers sudden and unexpected property damage to baggage during the trip, such as theft or breakage. If baggage is delayed, the cost of purchasing necessities may be reimbursed.
The insurance amount for luggage insurance is € 1,234 per trip and for all those covered by the insurance on the way, the deductible is €150.
The insurance cover also includes travel liability and travel legal expenses insurance.
The insurance amount for travel liability insurance is €105 236, with an excess of €50. The insurance amount for travel legal expenses insurance is €8,410, deductible is 20%, however at least €170.
OAJ's accident insurance covers union members, including student members. The insurance is valid until the date of your permanent retirement, but no longer than until the end of the year during which you turn 68.
The insurance covers the treatment costs of the injury that occur during leisure time. The insurance also reimburses permanent disability caused by an accident based on the disability category, as well as compensation in the event of accidental death.
Treatment costs of an injury are covered to up to €11,723. The insurance has no deductible. The compensation for permanent disability is up to €14,709 depending on the disability category. The compensation payable in the event of death is €7,355.
Accident insurance terms from 1 January 2025
Additional terms for OAJ from 1 January 2025
Product description from 1 Janyary 2025
Professional liability and legal expenses insurance
Those insured
Those insured are the union’s members in an employment or public service relationship and student members. Also insured are the student members of the union's student association in matters related to studies or internships, as well as those members of the Retired Teachers in Finland OSJ who have purchased OAJ's advocacy service package due to being employed temporarily.
Please note that using the legal protection insurance requires OAJ's written consent. Therefore, always contact OAJ lawyer first. OAJ will appoint a representative to handle the matter. The representative will submit a legal protection application to Turva.
Professional liability insurance
Liability insurance covers personal injuries and property damage caused by a member in the course of his or her work and for which the insured is liable under applicable law. Turva determines the insured's liability, compensates for damages covered by liability and takes care of legal issues concerning the question of liability.
Professional legal expenses insurance
The insurance covers members who have paid the membership fee in accordance with the rules of the union and who have been members of the union for the past six months. The six-month waiting period (duration of membership) does not apply to new members who join the union directly from another trade union and who were insured with a similar legal expenses insurance in the previous union.
Legal expenses insurance covers necessary and reasonable attorneys' fees and legal expenses incurred in disputes arising from civil disputes related to employment, public service or commission relationships. Contrary to clause E17 of the terms and conditions, the insurance also covers criminal cases related to employment and public service relationships when these do not concern wilful acts by the insured, gross negligence or gross carelessness. A civil claim for damages by the insured person in connection with a criminal case is reimbursed if the claim is contested on its basis or amount.
The insurance also covers legal costs ordered to be paid to the opposing party in accordance with the terms and conditions. The use of legal expenses insurance requires the written consent of the union.
The insurance is valid in work performed abroad anywhere in the world if the employment relationship is between a Finnish employer and the insured and the disputes arising from this employment relationship are settled under Finnish law. The insurance also applies to matters handled on the basis of the Equality Act and the Non-Discrimination Act and to matters related to applying for a vacancy when the organization deems it necessary considering the nature of the matter.
Under special circumstances, legal aid may be provided to a member during the pre-trial investigation when the organization and Turva jointly deem it necessary considering the nature of the matter and provision of the legal aid has been agreed between the organization and Turva in advance.
If an appeal to the Supreme Court or the Supreme Administrative Court requires leave to appeal, the costs incurred for applying for leave to appeal and for the appeal itself will only be reimbursed if the trade union has approved the application for leave to appeal in advance. The costs incurred from using extraordinary means of appeal will only be reimbursed if the Supreme Court or the Supreme Administrative Court has accepted the complaint, annulment of judgment, or restored a lost deadline.
The maximum compensation amount is 50,000 euros per incident occurring on or after January 1, 2025, if OAJ’s lawyer or an external lawyer recommended by OAJ’s lawyer is used to handle the matter. The deductible is then 15% of the reimbursable costs, but at least 200 euros.
The maximum compensation amount is 20,000 euros per incident occurring on or before December 31, 2024, if OAJ’s lawyer or an external lawyer recommended by OAJ’s lawyer is used to handle the matter. The deductible is then 15% of the reimbursable costs, but at least 200 euros.
The maximum compensation amount is 7,000 euros if a lawyer chosen by the member is used. The deductible is then 20% of the reimbursable costs, but at least 200 euros.
If the matter is resolved without initiating legal proceedings, the compensation amount is, however, at most half of the insurance’s maximum compensation amount.
The common highest maximum compensation amount for multiple insurance events occurring during one insurance period (calendar year) for one insured person is 20,000 euros until December 31, 2024, and 50,000 euros from January 1, 2025.
Group insurance for organizations
Insured persons and validity
Group insurance for organizations is valid in the organization’s activities and events worldwide. The insurance covers the union’s members. Contrary to the insurance terms, the upper age limit of 70 years does not apply in traveler insurance.
Definition of organizational activities
Organizational activities include pre-planned meetings, training events, seminars, summer and winter get-togethers and other similar events organized by the union or organization. Organizational activities also include serving as a representative of the union in meetings, advocacy work and organizational activities.
Traveler insurance
Traveler insurance covers the treatment costs of an illness or accident that begins during a trip for organizational activities. The insurance also covers costs caused by a cancelled or interrupted trip and delayed departure. The insurance may also include compensation in the form of a daily allowance for temporary disability caused by a travel accident and compensation for permanent disability and accidental death.
Baggage insurance
Baggage insurance covers sudden and unexpected property damage, such as theft or breakage, on trips taken for organizational activities. The insurance may also reimburse the costs of purchasing necessities if the baggage is delayed.
The organization’s insurance also includes travel liability and travel legal expenses insurance.
Full marks discounts: 10 % + 10 %
As a trade union member, you are always our number one!
You get a permanent 10% member discount on your insurance policies.
Because we are owned by our customers, we want to offer them a fair deal: when you insure your home and something else important, you get an additional 10% owner’s discount.
If you only have one insurance policy with Turva, you will receive the 10% owner discount after being a customer for two years. The discounts do not apply to motor vehicle insurance and life insurance policies.
Cost-effective insurance for trade union members
Liittokasko is our best comprehensive motor vehicle insurance, with plenty of features. For example, if someone bumps your car in a car park or your car breaks down in the middle of the road, Liittokasko will cover you.
Liittokasko is only available to trade union members and their family members.
Turvassa life insurance is a life insurance policy that is inexpensive, particularly for members of trade unions. The union benefit for the life insurance policy in 2023 is up to -58% (example benefit for OAJ members in 2023).
Information about insurances
Some of our insurance product information documents and materials are available in Swedish or English. More information about our policies can be found in Finnish. Contact us and let us help you update your insurance cover! Contact usInsurances
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